Defending the 'Blue Homeland'

04 Ağustos 2024 Pazar

Examples are evident: After the inadequacy of Öztürk Yılmaz, hastily made a member of parliament, came Ünal Çeviköz, who described the Blue Homeland doctrine as "aggressive and expansionist," and most recently Namık Tan, who labeled the Blue Homeland as a "fairy tale."

As if there were no foreign policy experts and diplomats left to defend national interests, the CHP's selection of these particular individuals not only damaged the party's traditional stance on independence but also helped sustain the AKP's collaborative policies.

The mistakes made by these figures within the CHP must certainly be criticized. However, Hulusi Akar, who defends AKP policies from the parliamentary podium, has neither the right nor the position to criticize on the same subject.

Last week, Akar declared in Parliament, "The motherland, the sky homeland, the Blue Homeland, the baby homeland; they are an indivisible whole. The Blue Homeland is our national issue, including our territorial waters, continental shelf, exclusive economic zone, marine jurisdictions, and all our rights, interests, and benefits beneath and above the seas, our 'Misak-ı Milli' at sea."

These words come from a former general who graduated from the United States Armed Forces Staff College, who received a "merit medal" from the American general who placed a sack over the head of a Turkish soldier in Iraq.

He was the Chief of General Staff during a time when the Syrian border was a free-for-all, and cantons were being established in the region.

He is also the defense minister who stood by as foreign countries, especially Greece and Israel, searched for natural gas around Cyprus.

During his tenure, nearly 20 Aegean islands were occupied by Greece, the Annan Plan in Cyprus was accepted, and the Montreux Convention and the Lausanne Treaty were put up for discussion.

The War Distraction

They found the pretext for this distraction just before the Israeli attack on Hamas leader Haniyeh:

"We will enter Israel."

Previously, they had claimed, "The third world war will break out."

They stoke the fire because it suits them. The country is almost like it just came out of a war. The earthquake regions are still in ruins, like bombed cities. Earthquake victims do not even have houses to shelter in.

We are stuck in a quagmire in Syria for the interests of global exploiters, dragged into war. Our soldiers are martyred almost every day.

Due to the authoritarian system, the country is governed with extraordinary powers as if in wartime.

Citizens live in poverty amidst plenty.

We are supposed to enter Israel, the third world war is supposed to break out. We should be prepared accordingly!

Despite the impoverishment, inequality, and injustices, we must comply with whatever the Palace says or does, bow to every word, and consider every mistake as right.

They think they can make us accept lesser evils by showing us death. No way.

The Culling Operation

To clarify:

Behind the practice of culling stray animals lies the Palace's propaganda ministry, which orchestrates, conducts, and sustains operations to manipulate society, create tension by dividing it in two, and feed off the resulting tension, harboring a wide troll army for this purpose.

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