Olayların Ardındaki Gerçek

History cannot be taken to court

23 Kasım 2023 Perşembe

A lawsuit has been filed against the Mayor of İzmir, Tunç Soyer, who is accused of insulting Sultan Vahdettin.

Soyer stated that he merely reiterated what Atatürk said about Vahdettin in his book, 'Nutuk.' Does it mean that the court will also seek to punish Atatürk for these same words?

His first explicit opposition to Vahdettin dates back to September 25, 1920.

In the secret sessions of the Assembly, Atatürk called Vahdettin a 'traitor.' This century-old statement was recorded in the Assembly's minutes. Therefore, will the court need to prepare an indictment that also implicates Atatürk?

While you may admire Vahdettin, you cannot overlook his decisions and actions against the National Struggle. The truth of history is laid bare through documented facts.

History, after all, cannot be taken to court.

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