Who won, who lost

02 Nisan 2024 Salı

When I saw the data from the CHP General Headquarters before the restrictions ended, my first reaction was this...


Incredible because there was a rapidly expanding CHP from being confined to the coastal strip to moving towards the Black Sea, Central Anatolia, Eastern, and Southeastern Anatolia regions after every election.

The CHP won provinces long dominated by the AKP, where tenders were awarded and which were plunged into debt, such as Kütahya, Adıyaman, Amasya, Kastamonu, Artvin, Giresun, Kilis, Denizli, and Uşak.

The CHP won 14 of the existing 30 metropolitan municipalities and 21 of the existing 51 provincial municipalities, in addition to 337 district municipalities and 54 town municipalities.

With these results, correct me if I'm wrong, municipalities governed by the CHP will now manage cities representing 64% of Turkey's population and 80% of its economic magnitude.

A democratic revolution has occurred since 1977.

The ruling party, AKP, won 12 metropolitan municipalities, 12 provinces, 356 districts, and 125 town municipalities.

The MHP, across Turkey, won 8 provincial municipalities with 4.98% of the vote. It seems fair to say that the People's Alliance benefited the MHP.

The DEM Party won 3 metropolitan municipalities, 7 provinces, 65 districts, and 7 town municipalities.

The election's surprise was the Yeniden Refah Partisi (New Welfare Party) winning 1 metropolitan municipality, 1 provincial municipality, and 39 district municipalities with 6.19% of the vote.

The Good Party won 1 province, 24 districts, and 4 town municipalities.

A historic day unfolded...

The CHP didn't just win provincial municipalities. In many provinces it won, it virtually swept the board, taking districts and municipal councils as well.

This was the most important aspect...

Nothing will ever be the same again.

Let the record show. I am writing this right after the election: Just as I scrutinized AKP-led municipalities before, from now on, I will scrutinize CHP-led municipalities meticulously. If there are those who squander the public's money, I will write about each one individually.

But in the end, the ruling power lost. It faced a debacle.

Those who courted religious sects and communities lost...

Ministers who forgot their statesman identities and walked street to street as political party representatives trying to convince voters lost...

Those who, with the power of their appointed positions, thought themselves as the "STATE" lost.

Those who, seeing the Turkish nation's sweat as their right, spent it limitlessly, sucked the blood of workers, youth, and pensioners through tenders, lost...

Those who engaged in plots, slander, and manipulation lost...

Those whose eyes were not satiated despite possessing boundless wealth lost...

Those who preached patience to the citizen while themselves, their relatives, friends, allies, and party members benefited from every kind of state provision were defeated...

Those who erased the contractor's tax debt while imposing a second tax on the citizen lost.

Those who plundered nature and forests lost.

Those who trampled on democracy and law lost.

Those who showered their cronies with tenders but practically told retirees to "die" lost.

Those who called Türkan Saylan, Uğur Mumcu, and Bahriye Üçok traitors lost.

Those who were hostile to the Republican Reforms and Gazi (Veteran) Mustafa Kemal Atatürk lost...

This is actually the outcry of the people.

The people said "Enough is enough" to the ruling party. If this continues, they indicated they would take away the power too.

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