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Paying taxes? Only fools do that!
In every part of the world, the state collects taxes from its citizens proportionate to their earnings to carry out necessary functions. It primarily protects the rights of retired citizens who have worked for years, ensuring they are not treated as beggars or seen as people who should quickly die off. Not only for retirees, but the state also puts social and structural measures in place to ensure a better future for the youth. It plans and implements affordable and accessible transportation nationwide. Measures are taken to ensure the health system favors the poor. All resources are mobilized for transportation, protecting children and women, and preventing the country from falling into the hands of mafias. Historical values are regarded as the nation's most significant treasures and are protected to the utmost. The military is not seen as a toy but is continuously developed.
And tax evaders are severely prosecuted. Unfortunately, our state does not operate this way. On the contrary, in our country, tax evasion is almost a divine command! The state itself leads this evasion by forgiving taxes. As the saying goes, "One rotten apple spoils the barrel," and so citizens become experts in tax evasion. Thanks to the digital world, individuals and companies whose taxes have been forgiven or who pay no taxes at all are now being publicly shamed on social media. They show no shame, nor are tax collectors knocking on their doors. These are their glory days. As I write this, I can't help but recall how the notorious American mafia boss Al Capone was arrested for a mere tax evasion charge.
In 1929, during the Great Depression that left Americans impoverished, Capone became a powerful mafia leader by continuously bribing officials to bypass prohibition laws. These bribes started with the lowest police officers and extended to senators and congressmen. Officials who refused the bribes were mysteriously murdered. Although Capone was known to have committed murders, no witnesses came forward out of fear. So, how was Capone finally caught? A simple accountant discovered his tax evasion, leading to an 11-year prison sentence for a minor tax offense.
Now, let's discuss the AKP government's decision to immediately collect unpaid social security debts from 433 CHP municipalities to cripple them and punish the local populations. Will this decision also apply to AKP municipalities? We need to monitor this closely. In our increasingly digital world, nothing remains hidden. Recently, numerous individuals and companies with forgiven taxes have been exposed online. If even a fraction of these taxes were paid, our children could afford chocolates! People could go to work with a smile! Many could take vacations! And the inflation monster would take a few hits!
Meanwhile, nobody seems to know what the millions of lira given to religious sects by the state are used for. These payments should also be displayed digitally. We know about the purchase of 11 luxury villas in USA, but who knows what else exists? A significant portion of the national budget goes to the Directorate of Religious Affairs.
As a citizen, I urge opposition parties to focus on this tax issue. Expose the companies and individuals whose taxes have been forgiven and those who have received grants under the build-operate model. Highlight these injustices in every corner of the country because the AKP government is trying to paralyze the municipalities you've won in the elections. Are you not aware of this?
As I mentioned at the beginning, tax forgiveness and grants should become the most effective opposition actions. People can't understand how their money disappears so quickly or how some have become so wealthy. In a country that launders black money, tax control is a must, and you would be surprised at how effective it could be.
Dear readers, meanwhile, we lose loved ones. This is the law of nature. Genco Erkal has left us. As someone who has seen his "A Madman's Diary" play four times and wept over his recitations of Nâzım Hikmet's poems, I know I will miss him, as will many others. We are fortunate to have experienced the grandeur of theater in his presence. We've applauded together. This is a small consolation for us. My condolences to you, my friends.
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