Arif Kızılyalın

Talking About Green Transformation!

19 Haziran 2024 Çarşamba

This year, numerous companies, from Arçelik to Sabancı and Ülker to Kalebodur, received accolades. An autonomous refrigerator garnered significant attention. However, the highlight of the ceremony was the issue of carbon emissions. ISO President Erdal Bahçıvan repeatedly emphasized that border carbon checks would be implemented starting in 2026. European consumers will demand to know the carbon footprint of products, from needles and threads to food and textiles, and any product that doesn't comply will be returned. The potential impact of the Border Carbon Adjustment Mechanism (BCAM) on Turkey's exports to EU countries is not fully calculated but could result in an annual loss of 3.5-4 billion Euros. Sultan Tepe, an ISO executive and President of the Sustainability Platform, stated that Istanbul, which accounts for nearly half of Turkish industry, has no choice but to adapt to the change. Experts and ISO management warn that while large companies are prepared, it is uncertain whether medium and small enterprises, which avoid even requesting reports from R&D firms, will take necessary measures.

Meanwhile, at the ceremony, Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change Minister Mehmet Özhaseki announced that the bottle recycling system, which has been in practice in EU countries for years, would become mandatory in Turkey. This means that individuals who collect plastic and aluminum bottles and cans at home or work will receive money or shopping vouchers for each item they deposit in machines at store entrances. While the project is promising, a large retailer previously attempted this initiative, offering a 1 lira discount voucher for 10 bottles, which did not succeed. Nobody would go through that trouble for 1 lira from 10 bottles. If the ministry is serious, they should model it after Germany’s system. If someone cannot return home with a liter of non-alcoholic beverage or two loaves of bread after collecting 30-40 bottles/cans, this project will fail. Consider this advice from us to Minister Özhaseki.


There used to be a saying: "The holiday has come, and it's well-received." However, this holiday was not so pleasant. Particularly, 90% of the population is experiencing Kurban Bayram with hardship, sadness, and even hesitation to buy a simple bagel for their child craving a treat. Despite President Erdoğan’s assertion, "I won’t allow profiteers," the extended holiday became an opportunity for opportunists. I'll give two examples from Northern Aegean and Southern Marmara. The first is from Saros. A mediocre camp operation where some have come with their caravans, and others have rented stationary caravan cabins because hotels are too expensive. Day-trippers also rent sunbeds and umbrellas. A family of 4-5 pays 2,000 TL for four sunbeds and two umbrellas. Food and beverages are exorbitantly priced, with a mediocre hamburger that wouldn't even satisfy a child costing 400 TL. Soft drinks are 65-70 TL, and beers are 250 TL. Worse, there are no receipts for the money paid for the sunbeds. If you pay cash instead of by card for other expenses, there's no record. Here's a call to Mehmet Şimşek, who targets the income of motor couriers: if he has any conscience, he should send inspectors to businesses from the northernmost part of Northern Aegean in Saros to Samandağı in the South! While complaining about prices, I chatted with friends who went to Alexandroupoli, 60-70 km away from Saros. For the 15 Euros we paid for a hamburger and soda on our side, they enjoyed Greek salad and kebab with beer in Greece! And they can order whatever they want. For example, if you ask for sardines in the sardine paradise of Greece, you won’t hear, "No one went out to sea because of the holiday, so the portion is 400 liras." Because they don't halt the economic wheel for holidays! That's why those with some money and means (like a visa passport) went to the neighboring country. The worst part is that those who can't stop profiteers (Mehmet Şimşek) have started working to increase the so-called exit fund for going abroad by 1000%! The exit fee will rise from 150 TL to 1500 TL!

Are there no good examples in our country? Yes, there are. I visited Şarköy, 25 kilometers east of Saros. In private businesses, the impudence is the same, with a portion of meatballs costing 350 TL in Tekirdağ, the land of meatballs. But the local government found a solution. Those with limited funds can eat and drink at Şarköy Municipality’s social facilities, most of which are by the sea, without incurring debt. Tea, water, etc., are 10 TL, a portion of meatballs is 180 TL, and salads are 60-70 TL. The region's wine bottle costs 350-400 TL! Mayor Alpay Var has kept his pre-election promises. If only all 411 CHP municipalities could support the people with such economic enterprises.

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Food profiteers! 7 Ağustos 2024

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